Autoconectado is your ally in the safety and savings of your vehicles. Drive carefree around the city! Our new application will give you greater security by monitoring and protecting your car 24/7. It has a virtual mechanic to detect faults in your vehicle (DTC), obtain excellent offers on spare parts from your app, and learn your environmental impact by visualizing the Co2 emissions of your car.

The perfect app to feel safer
Begin enjoying the city from the driver's seat
DISCOVER AUTOCONECTADOAutoconectado allows you
Find my car
Know the last location reported by your vehicle. Conocimiento de la última ubicación reportada por el vehículo
Power alert
The app will notify the vehicle owner whenever we detect the engine ignition.
Circuit Breaker
Switch activation through 24/7 Support after vehicle theft.
24/7 Support
Get immediate personalized attention in case of vehicle theft.
Maintenance and diagnostic
Perform virtual mechanical alerts of the vehicle.
Consultation and spare parts
We detect mechanical failures in your vehicle (DTC) and present spares and automotive product offers.
Trip simulation
Review the trips made by the vehicle. Get to know your car’s mileage and distance traveled.
Access to excellent auto parts and accessories offers from the app.