A few days ago, Forbes Chile released the list of the 100 Best Startups in Chile, “among them are the brightest and best valued emerging companies in the country” – Forbes.
This list comprises startups from 27 sectors, such as fintech, software, and health, with Jooycar being one of the few recognized Insurtech.
Honored that Jooycar was listed among the TOP Startups in Chile by Forbes, this is just the reflection of a relentless team of jooycarians renegades that will keep challenging the status quo and transforming data into protection for small fleet and vehicle owners across the region! – Jooycar CEO
CORFO, ProChile, Start-Up Chile, Platanus Ventures, Endeavor Chile, Bluebox, and the UC Anacleto Angelini Innovation Center participated in its elaboration, which applied between 20 to 30 startups each and then made the final decision and left the best 100 startups.
We invite you to learn a little more about the top 100 Startups here