Carolina Samsing, CEO of Nubox, tells our CEO Rodrigo Labbé about her arrival at the startup helping thousands of SMEs in Latin America. Diversity and inclusion, the importance of a strong organizational culture, and the challenges in attracting talent are part of the topics that you will be able to discover in this second episode of JooyTalk.
We invite you to grab a cup of coffee – with or without sugar depending on you – and get inspired with the experience of these two startups, in the next video.
Initiative developed with Startups Chilenas
A while ago, I read some interviews where you mentioned the challenge of female leadership in technology or SaS companies.How do you feel that you have carried that? What has it meant to you, and what message do you think it would be good to share with the ecosystem regarding that?
In general, the industry’s challenge is that we are not too many women.
A few days ago, I was in Miami at Latam Techform, and of the 250 companies, there were, we must have been ten women.
So it is a well-generalized problem in the industry. Beyond the challenge of being a woman, I believe that we all have the challenge of making technologies more inclusive and being led by more women.